Can I cancel my order?
  We will ship your order as soon as possible. Therefore, our time window for canceling is quite short. Please contact our customer service department as soon as possible so we can initiate everything in time.And don't worry: if the order can no longer be canceled in time, you can refuse to accept the package at the time of delivery or return it to us free of charge later. You can find all the important details in our return policy.
What payment options can I use?
  The following payment methods can be used in our online store: PayPal Mastercard (through Stripe) VISA (through Stripe) American Express / Amex (through Stripe) Google Pay (through Stripe) SEPA direct debit (through Stripe) Detailed information on the individual payment options: Payment with PayPal If you pay through the payment service provider PayPal and use the information stored in your PayPal customer account without having to re-enter your payment information. You can find more information about paying with PayPal here. https://www.paypal-deutschland.de/privatkunden/. Payments with Stripe You can find more information about payment using VISA, Mastercard and American Express credit cards, as well as payment through Apple Pay and Google Pay https://stripe.com/de.
What types of emails do I receive with my order?
  After you place your order, we'll send you a few emails to let you know about the status of the order. As these sometimes end up in the spam folder, we ask that you add us as a safe sender to your email (you can check your email account to see how to manage these incoming emails). Order and shipping emails: An order confirmation email will inform you that we have received your order. In addition, you will receive an email containing an invoice for your order.  A shipping confirmation email will inform you that we have processed your order. This email will contain an active tracking number. If you receive this email, your package has been successfully scanned in the shipping location and is being prepared for further shipping.
Where can I find my order number?
  You can always find your order number in the confirmation email. You can also check the order page of your account for more details.  .